Friday, December 5, 2008

Doing It Right vs Doing It With Excellence

Last night I got into a fairly lengthy discussion with my wife about this idea of "doing it right" vs "doing it with excellence". In my wife and I's context this tends to be a thorny subject at times. It could apply to just about anything...let me pick something laundry for instance. My wife has a very specific way she would like the laundry to be her it's "the right way". I have a different way I was taught growing up and to me it is "the right way" to laundry, but we both, I believe, are trying to accomplish the task with excellence. If we, as fellow believers in Jesus, could learn to strive to do all things with excellence while representing the name of Christ instead of demanding we are doing it "the right way" and so should you, maybe the world would sit up and take notice. Is there one "right way" to do laundry, there one "right way" to be a christian...I don't know for sure, but what I do know is how Christ directs me in my prayer time and scripture reading and I know my hearts desire to follow Him with excellence. Are you following Christ with excellence or are you just trying to keep up with the latest "right way"? Keep seeking Him.

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